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    For catarrhal affections with thin, clear, transparent, watery secretions, Influenza, headache, eyestrain, bowel disturbances and Skin diseases or as advised by the physician.
    Availability : In stock


    This salt is a constituent of every liquid and solid part of the body. Its function is to regulate the degree of moisture within the cells. It properly distributes the water through the organism.

    Deficiency in this salt causes excessive dryness of mucous membranes in some part, while there may be a copious fluid accumulation in another part. Naturm Mur. will set things right and will establish equilibrium. It acts upon the lymphatic system, the blood, liver, spleen and upon the mucous lining of the alimentary canal.

    Composition: Natrum muriaticum - 12X

    Indications: For catarrhal affections with thin, clear, transparent, watery secretions, Influenza, headache, eyestrain, bowel disturbances and Skin diseases or as advised by the physician.

    Dosage: Adults: 4 tablets, three or four times daily. Children: Half the adult dose. Or as prescribed by the physician.

    Contra-indication: None

    Side effects: No known side effects

    Expiry: 5 years from the date of manufacturing.

    Manufactured in India by: Bakson Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. Chouli Shahbuddinpur, Pargana Bhagwanpur, The. Roorkee-247661, Distt Haridwar, UK, India Customer care executive Mail id and contact details-customercare@buybakson.com, 18002572829

    Disclaimer: The information provided herein on request, is not to be taken as a replacement for medical advice or diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. DO NOT SELF MEDICATE. PLEASE CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN FOR PROPER DIAGNOSIS AND PRESCRIPTION.

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    In headache, toothache, faceache, stomachache and also where there is either salivation or hyper secretion of tears or vomiting of water and mucus. Catarrhal affections of mucous membranes with secretion of transparent, watery, frothy mucus. Small watery blisters, breaking and leaving a thin crust. Skin diseases with watery symptoms. Diarrhoea with transparent, frothy, slimy stools. Constipation with dull headache and profuse tears. Conjunctivitis with clear watery discharge. Leucorrhoea with watery, smarting or clear, starch-like discharge, gleet, coryza with loss of smell and taste, follicular catarrh of the pharynx, thrush with salivation, Diphtheria with drowsiness, inflammation of uvula with elongation, catarrh of the bladder, Impotence, Paralysis, Chorea, Chlorosis, Insomnia, Pneumonia with loose rattling phlegm, Intermittent fever, especially after abuse of quinine. Anasarca, Gout, chronic swellings of lymphatic and sebaceous glands. Hemicrania.


    • Face: Wet shine on the upper eyelid, sometimes also on the lower lid, looking like gelatine. Dry skin with enlarged skin pores.
    • Much or lack of thirst. Not able to sweat.
    • Tendency to allergies, colds and problems with the Frontal Sinuses.
    • Loss of sense of taste and smell. Strong craving for salt and salty food.
    • State of tongue: Dry,parched,sore throat, salty taste, blisters.
    • Discharges: Excess secretions, sneezing, vomiting of clear,watery phlegm (with great thirst). Diarrhoea watery. Thin watery blood with menses. Polyuria (Diabetes), Leucorrhoea discharge watery, starch like.
    • Aggravations: Mornings, cold air, open air.
    • Ameliorations: Evenings, warmth, pressure.

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